A Bit About Myself

My dog wilson

Wilson my Dood

I am an upcoming graduate in cybersecurity with a dedicated focus on becoming a penetration tester. My passion lies in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities across the digital landscape.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am an avid animal lover, proud owner of a 3-year-old goldendoodle. During my free time, you'll often find us exploring local parks and enjoying the scenic trails in our community.

I am deeply engaged in refining my technical skills. I dedicate substantial time to diverse computer projects, utilizing my passion for programming. My exploration includes leveraging advanced technologies such as the Raspberry Pi, where I actively contribute to the creation of innovative programs and projects.


School Courses ---> I studied at nscc with a diploma in cyber security, its one of the only reconigzed programs for cyber security in Nova Scotia.


Endpoint Security Certificate

Endpoint Security

Introduction to Cybersecurity Certificate

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Connect with Me

Find me on LinkedIn -- LinkedIn Profile

Community Involvement

Outside cybersecurity, I'm an active member of various communities. Here are just a few of my favorites I love giving back to.

Zooniverse a citizen science web portal owned and operated by the Citizen Science Alliance. It is home to some of the Internet's largest, most popular, and most successful citizen science projects.

Einstein@home a volunteer computing project that searches for signals from spinning neutron stars in data from gravitational-wave detectors