Welcome to My Website

Hey there I'm Matt Smith, not Matt Smith, just another Matt Smith.

Welcome to my site this is my online portfolio. My field of study is cybersecurity, with a focus on encryption algorithms, IoT device security, and programming.

Areas of Expertise

Encryption Algorithms - Diffie-Hellman, RSA, MD5, HTTPS, TLS

IoT Device Security - TLS/SSL, Baselineing, Network segmentation

IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) - Snort++, Suricata

Programming - Python, JavaScript, SQL, Ruby, C++

Security Focus:

My primary focus is on identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities.

Technical Proficiency:

Proficient in various cybersecurity tools and techniques.

Continuous Learner:

I thrive on the challenge of staying informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices in the cybersecurity field.
Check out my about me page for more information on my experience and qualifications.

Latest Projects

Part one a Guide to Processing Unprocessed Space Telescope

There are a variety of ways for researchers to access JWST data of interest, including the MAST Discovery Portal (hereafter, Portal), which is the primary web interface for discovering, visualizing,...

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Explore my projects page, where I share projects from my classes and insights into interesting cybersecurity fields.

A Little About My Site

A copy of this site is available on my GitHub repository, wilsons-private-vault. I built this site with Jekyll's default template, Minima. I give permission for anyone to use my template on their Jekyll site. If you want to build a site and use my template, just follow Jekyll's documentation and grab a copy of my site to use as a template. Jekyll Docs